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  Introduction to Water Supply Identification Piles

  1.供水标识桩是接纳玻璃纤维及其制品作为增强质料 ,以合成树脂作基体质料的一种复合质料 ,接纳一种拉挤成型的*而成 。

  1. The water supply identification pile is a composite material made of fiberglass and its products as reinforcing materials, with synthetic resin as the matrix material, and is formed by a pull extrusion process.

  2.供水标识桩具有比重轻、抗侵蚀、耐老化、密封性能好你 ,雅观 ,具有全天假防护功效 ,能够知足室外工程项目中种种劣质情形和场合的需要 。

  2. The water supply identification pile has the advantages of light weight, corrosion resistance, aging resistance, good sealing performance, safety and aesthetics, and full day holiday protection function, which can meet the needs of various low-quality environments and places in outdoor engineering projects.

  3.供水标识桩具备*的““缘质料 ,高性能的“缘电阻避免泄电 ,在高频下能坚持优异的节电性能 ,不反射 ,不阻断微波的撒播 ,不生锈 ,恒久使用 。

  3. The water supply identification pile has * "edge material, high-performance" edge resistance to prevent leakage, can maintain good energy-saving performance at high frequencies, does not reflect, does not block the propagation of microwaves, does not rust, and is safe for long-term use.20220621034055991

  4.供水标识桩有优异的耐侵蚀性能 ,可以抗水 ,电解盐 ,钠钾化合物 ,尿 ,沥青 ,适合种种酸碱土壤 ,防雨产品自己具有优异的抗老化性能 。

  4. The water supply sign post has good corrosion resistance, which can resist water, electrolytic salt, sodium potassium compounds, urine, asphalt, and is suitable for various acid-base soils. The rain proof product itself has good aging resistance.

  5.供水标识桩质里轻 ,适于搬运 ,装置简朴防偷窃 ,该质料无接纳价值 ,自然防盗 ,可以有用地下主要设施被挖掘的问题 ,具有较

  5. The water supply identification pile is lightweight and suitable for transportation. It is easy to install and prevents theft. The material has no recycling value and is naturally anti-theft. It can effectively solve the problem of important underground facilities being excavated and has a relatively high value

  大的社会效益和经济效益 。

  Significant social and economic benefits.

  6.供水标识桩攻击力强 ,撞击稳固形 ,有很高的拉伸强度 ,弯曲强度和攻击韧性 ,*可以知足户外使用 ,具有优异的抗攻击性 。

  6. The water supply identification pile has strong impact force, does not deform during impact, and has high tensile strength, bending strength, and impact toughness. It can meet the safety requirements for outdoor use and has good impact resistance.

  7.供水标识桩切合要求的质料 ,知足未来生长需要 。在桩体外貌印有显着的夜光效果的标识 ,补足了水泥标记桩的缺乏 。

  7. The water supply identification piles are environmentally friendly materials that meet national requirements and meet future development needs. The safety signs with obvious luminous effects printed on the surface of the pile complement the shortcomings of the cement marker pile.

  8.我公司供水标识桩在桩体外貌使用特种油漆"具备性能特点:附着能力好 ,光泽高 ,饱满度好 ,硬度好 , ,能为复合标记桩外貌提供有用的;ぷ饔!

  8. Our company uses special paint on the surface of the water supply marker pile, which has the following performance characteristics: good adhesion, high gloss, good fullness, good hardness, environmental protection, and can provide effective protection for the surface of composite marker piles!

  9.可凭证客户需要的文字图案 ,接纳现代*的网丝印刷工艺、文字图案具有线性刚劲、流通多变等气概、文字图案醒目雅观 。

  9. According to the customer's needs, modern * mesh printing technology can be adopted for text patterns. The text patterns have linear rigidity, smooth and versatile styles, and the text patterns are eye-catching and beautiful.


  One time molding of water supply identification pile


  Product Introduction

  1.强度高 ,产品接纳新型不饱和树脂质料 ,经高温模压一次成型而成

  1. High strength, the product adopts a new type of unsaturated resin material, which is formed by high-temperature molding in one go

  2.抗攻击、抗磨损、耐侵蚀 ,故使用寿命长达50年 。

  2. It is resistant to impact, wear, and corrosion, resulting in a service life of up to 50 years.

  3.外表雅观 ,产品可制成种种颜色 ,字迹图案清晰 ,标示性显着可以美化情形 。

  3. The appearance is beautiful, and the product can be made into various colors. The handwriting and pattern are clear, and the labeling is obvious, which can beautify the environment.

  4.重里轻 ,便于运输装置 ,可大大镌汰劳动力并减轻劳动强度 。

  4. It is lightweight and easy to transport and install, greatly reducing labor and reducing labor intensity.

  5.防偷窃 ,该复合质料无接纳价值 ,自然防盗 ,可以有用地下主要设施被挖掘的问题 ,具有重大的社会效益和经济效益 ,该发明填补了海内空缺 ,在国际上具有很高水平 。

  5. Anti theft, this composite material has no recycling value and is naturally anti-theft. It can effectively solve the problem of important underground facilities being excavated, and has significant social and economic benefits. This invention fills the gap in China and has a high level internationally.

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