



泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-08-19 0
为了规范燃气标记桩的制作、使用和维护治理,充分验展标记的警示、提醒作用 。适用于燃气生产、输配系统及种种燃气相关场合使用标记 。燃气标记桩的制作、使用和维护治理我们应做到什么呢?
In order to standardize the production, use, maintenance and management of gas marker piles, give full play to the safety warning and prompt function of the signs. Applicable to gas production, transmission and distribution systems and various gas related places. What should we do for the production, use and maintenance management of gas marker piles?
1.能够提醒输配管线的走向及相对位置,同时能忠言破损管道行为的标记 。分为地面标记、地上标记和隐性标记 。
1. It can prompt the direction and relative position of the transmission and distribution pipeline, and also can warn the signs of pipeline damage. It is divided into ground signs, ground signs and hidden signs.
2.设置在地上,横跨地面,用于批注埋地管道属性的设施 。包括:里程桩、转角桩、交织桩 。
2. Facilities set on the ground and higher than the ground to indicate the properties of buried pipelines. Including mileage pile, corner pile and crossing pile.
3.埋设于地下,可实现管线示踪,用于管道定位装置的总称 。
3. Buried underground, it can realize pipeline tracing and is used as the general name of pipeline positioning device.
4.标记应每半幼年检查一次 。如发明有破损、变形、褪色、图形符号脱落等不切合要求时应实时修整或替换 。
4. Signs shall be inspected at least once every half year. In case of any damage, deformation, fading, falling off of graphic symbols and other non-compliance, it shall be repaired or replaced in time.
5.对使用的标记应举行分类编号并挂号归档 。
5. The signs used shall be classified, numbered and registered for filing.
6.当燃气设施及情形爆发转变时,应实时增减或变换标记 。
6. When the gas facilities and environment change, the signs shall be increased or decreased or changed in time.
7.对隐性标记应按期探测检查,当埋地管道设施或情形爆发转变时,应实时增补或变换隐性标记,并更新治理数据 。
7. The hidden signs shall be detected and inspected regularly. When the buried pipeline facilities or environment change, the hidden signs shall be supplemented or changed in time and the management data shall be updated.
8.当埋地管道设施或情形爆发转变时,会引起隐性标记的转变,以是应按期对其举行勘探检查,发明问题实时更新或增补 。
8. When the underground pipeline facilities or environment change, it will cause the change of hidden signs, so it shall be surveyed and inspected regularly, and the problems found shall be updated or supplemented in time.
This is the end of the maintenance and management of gas marker posts. If you have any questions or needs, please follow our website Yes, follow up to learn more!

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