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泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2023-03-22 0
长效可探测警示带(Long-term Detectable Warning Tape) ,也可以称为可探测警示带或示踪警示带  。产品具有(号:ZL 2017 2 1398009.8)主要运用于种种都会给排水 ,燃气管道、输油管道、液体道运送管路、电力电缆、通讯光纤、光缆等关于民生液体及信息传输管线、管路的警示防护作用;特殊对种种情形重大的都会管网施工现场、蹊径施工现场、修建地基; ,野外直埋管线有着显着的防护以及警示的作用  。
Long term detectable warning tape, also known as detectable safety warning tape or tracer warning tape. The product has a national patent (Patent No.: ZL 2017 2 1398009.8) and is mainly used for warning and protection of various urban water supply and drainage, gas pipelines, oil pipelines, liquid pipeline transmission pipelines, power cables, communication optical fibers, optical cables, and other liquids and information transmission pipelines and pipelines related to people's livelihood; Especially for various complex urban pipe network construction sites, road construction sites, building foundation protection, and outdoor directly buried pipelines, it has an obvious protective and warning effect.
产品作用:使用金属可探测性能 ,探测警示作用 ,避免工程施工、钻探、挖掘对所;さ墓芟弑⑵苹 ,可以让施工职员准确探测到地下管道所处的位置 ,有用阻止了施工错位所造成的管道破损或损伤而造成重大损失或事故  。使用其通电测试可以判断损坏位置 ,便于实时工程管线修复处置惩罚  。产品接纳醒目图文标注管线治理权属单位及紧迫联系方法等 ,便于紧迫情形联络处置惩罚避免重大经济损失或事故爆发 ,便于管线治理 ,属于警示产品  。
Product function: Utilizing metal detectability and detection and warning functions, it can prevent engineering construction, drilling, and excavation from damaging the protected pipeline, enabling construction personnel to correctly detect the location of underground pipelines, effectively avoiding significant losses or safety accidents caused by pipeline damage or damage caused by construction dislocation. Using its power on test can determine the location of damage, facilitating timely repair and treatment of engineering pipelines. The product uses eye-catching graphics and text to mark the pipeline management ownership unit and emergency contact information, which is convenient for emergency contact and handling to prevent major economic losses or safety accidents, facilitate pipeline management, and is a safety warning product.
产品特点:突出恒久效可探测性  。产品埋于地下 ,地下情形重大需要具有耐地下侵蚀及种种情形侵蚀破环 ,产品接纳情形友好、耐侵蚀性优异的聚乙烯复合质料生产 ,接纳加厚质料生产 ,;げ阕芎穸任250-300um(是通俗质料的4-8倍);
Product features: Highlight long-term effectiveness and detectability. The product is buried underground, and the complex underground environment requires resistance to underground corrosion and various types of environmental erosion. The product is produced using environmentally friendly and excellent corrosion resistance polyethylene composite materials, and is made of thickened materials. The total thickness of the protective layer is 250-300um (4-8 times that of ordinary materials);
产品图文接纳内印手艺 ,包管图文及忠言语紧迫电话恒久有用;可探测金属面是大于40毫米(是通俗金属丝的60-80倍) ,易于有用探测;产品接纳独吞固化封边手艺避免金属层边沿侵蚀 ,包管恒久耐侯不开裂;其金属反射层厚度为40-50um产品确保使用寿命50年而抵达长效性;产品适合通电检测 ,产品结构面宽接纳新结构便于毗连及通电检测通路 ,便于维修位置确认及检查;
The internal printing technology is adopted for product graphics and texts to ensure the long-term effectiveness of emergency telephones with graphics and warnings; The detectable metal surface is larger than 40mm (60-80 times that of ordinary metal wire), making it easy to detect effectively; The product adopts unique solidification and edge sealing technology to prevent edge corrosion of the metal layer, ensuring long-term weather resistance without cracking; Its metal reflective layer thickness is 40-50um, ensuring a service life of 50 years and achieving long-term effectiveness; The product is suitable for power-on detection. The product has a wide structural surface and adopts a new structure to facilitate connection and power-on detection channels, facilitating confirmation and inspection of maintenance positions;

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