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泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2024-03-21 0


1. Ground signs

在地面响应位置上举行标记 ,埋设标记、标记砖、标记贴等。这种方法直观易找 ,但受地面情形限制 ,如在快速路上很难设置。遇蹊径维修或拆迁等情形 ,还会大宗丧失标记。现阶段地面标记物均接纳以上标记。

Mark the corresponding positions on the ground, bury signs, sign bricks, sign stickers, etc. This method is intuitive and easy to find, but it is limited by the ground environment, such as being difficult to set up on expressways. In case of road maintenance or demolition, a large number of signs will also be lost. At present, all ground markers use the above markings.


2. Equipment detection

一旦地面标记丧失 ,就只好使用装备举行地下管道探测。关于金属管材 ,一样平常用金属探管仪一种将电信号施加在管道上 ,然后追踪电信号走向的装备)举行路由定位。这种装备在地下管线少、无强磁、强电的地方效果较好 ,但关于管道麋集的区域(如庭院)或导电性差的管道(如E球墨铸铁管) ,探测效率会大打折扣。PE管基础不导电 ,因此无法接纳此项手艺。我们也试用了其他装备 ,如地磁成像仪、地下空腔探测仪等 ,但在霸州公司未举行现实应用 ,效果暂时无法确定。除此之外 ,据相识现在市场上还没有一种装备能在探测PE管时抵达理想效果。


Once the ground signs are lost, equipment can only be used for underground pipeline detection. For metal pipes, a metal probe is generally used for routing and positioning, which is a device that applies electrical signals to the pipeline and then tracks the direction of the electrical signals. This type of equipment works well in areas with few underground pipelines, no strong magnetism, and strong electricity, but for areas with dense pipelines (such as courtyards) or pipelines with poor conductivity (such as E-ductile iron pipes), the detection efficiency will be greatly reduced. PE pipes are not conductive at all, so this technology cannot be used. We have also tried other devices, such as geomagnetic imagers and underground cavity detectors, but they have not been practically applied in Bazhou Company, and the effect cannot be determined temporarily. In addition, it is understood that there is currently no device on the market that can achieve ideal results in detecting PE pipes.


3. Metal thin film tracer band

在燃气PE管道上方敷设金属薄膜示踪带 ,然后用探管仪举行探测。示踪带中的金属薄膜具有导电性 ,理论上可以体现出金属管的特征 ,但现实上由于金属薄膜的截面积太小 ,导电性欠好 ,受周围金属管道滋扰大 ,致使探测效果很是差 ,只有在滋扰小且距离地面很近的地刚刚气被探测到。并且辐射历程中 ,每100米需举行一次毗连 ,如毗连不当 ,在后期使用历程中因土壤沉降会导致示踪带断裂 ,进而无法检测。

Lay a metal film tracer tape above the gas PE pipeline, and then use a pipe detector for detection. The metal film in the tracer band has conductivity, which theoretically reflects the characteristics of the metal tube. However, in reality, due to the small cross-sectional area of the metal film, its conductivity is poor, and it is greatly affected by the interference of surrounding metal pipes, resulting in very poor detection effect. It can only be detected in areas with small interference and close to the ground. Moreover, during the radiation process, a connection needs to be made every 100 meters. If the connection is improper, the tracer band may break due to soil settlement during later use, making it impossible to detect.


4. Metal tracer line

为提高示踪物体的导电性 ,我们曾使用金属示踪线来替换金属薄膜示踪带。由于示踪线的挨线芯是铜 ,且具有一定的截面积 ,因此导电性显着好于薄膜示踪带 ,尤其在刚埋下去的时间 ,探测效果较好。但随着时间延伸 ,示踪线袒露出很大问题。a.示踪线一旦有断点 ,如施工时被挖断自然锈蚀、毗连时没接牢等 ,从断点往后就无法被探测到。b.相关于其他地下管道或线线路 ,示踪线的导电性没有它们好 ,因此造成探测信号过于微弱 ,以于混淆管道位置。并且抗拉性能差 ,在定向钻穿越中无法敷设。

To improve the conductivity of tracer objects, we have used metal tracer lines instead of metal thin film tracer bands. Due to the copper core of the tracer wire and its certain cross-sectional area, its conductivity is significantly better than that of the thin film tracer tape, especially when it is just buried, the detection effect is better. But as time goes on, the tracer line exposes significant issues. a. Once there is a breakpoint in the tracer line, such as natural corrosion caused by excavation during construction, or loose connection during connection, it cannot be detected from the breakpoint onwards. b. Compared to other underground pipelines or lines, the conductivity of tracer lines is not as good as theirs, resulting in weak detection signals and confusing the position of pipelines. And the tensile performance is poor, making it impossible to lay in directional drilling crossing.


5. Waste communication optical cables

鉴于金属示踪线的弱点 ,废旧通讯光缆可以较好地该问题。通讯光缆是由若干根〈芯〉光纤(一样平常从几芯到几千芯〉组成的缆心和外护层所组成。光缆中有增强构件去遭受外界的机械负荷 ,以 ;す庀嗣馐苤种滞饣盗Φ挠跋 ,从而**了光缆的耐久性。尤其在定向钻穿越施工中 ,光缆的强负荷力可以*完整的敷设。在300500米距离处 ,埋设检测桩 ,将光缆引检测桩内 ,利便日后检测定位。光缆的弱点是导电性能低于金属示踪线 ,受滋扰的区域检测效果较差。

Given the drawbacks of metal tracer lines, waste communication optical cables can effectively solve this problem. Communication optical cable is composed of a core and an outer protective layer composed of several to several thousand core optical fibers. There are reinforced components in the optical cable to withstand external mechanical loads, protecting the optical cable from various external mechanical forces, thereby improving its durability. Especially in directional drilling and crossing construction, the strong load force of the optical cable can be fully laid. Detection piles are buried at intervals of 300 to 500 meters, and the optical cable is led into the detection pile for convenient future detection and positioning. The disadvantage of optical cables is that their conductivity is lower than that of metal tracing lines, and the detection effect in disturbed areas is poor.


6. Underground pipeline electronic marking system

电子标记系统(ElectronicoMark System).早起源于美国 ,由3m公司为公共设施应用而开发 ,严酷遵照美国公共劳动协会(APWA)制订的地下设施标记的规范 ,用于对现场设施的定位。其事情原理是将电子标记器埋设于管道上方 ,每个电子标记器内都存有一个..的识别代码 ,犹如每小我私家的身份证号码一样。电子标记器内可以自界说贮存管道的主要信息 ,如相对位置、埋深、管径、管材、管道压力、敷设日期等。在地面上使用定位装备(探测仪)定位电子标记器的位置 ,并读取贮存信息。

The ElectronicMark System originated in the United States and was developed by 3m Company for public facility applications. It strictly follows the specifications for underground facility signage established by the American Association of Public Workers (APWA) and is used to locate on-site facilities. Its working principle is to bury electronic markers above pipelines, and each electronic marker contains a The identification code of is the same as the ID number of each person. The electronic marker can customize and store important information about pipelines, such as relative position, burial depth, pipe diameter, pipe material, pipeline pressure, laying date, etc. Use positioning devices (detectors) on the ground to locate the position of electronic markers and read stored information.

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