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泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2024-05-08 0


      Methods of using buried line detectors


  The steps to use a buried wire detector are as follows:

  1.准备装备 。确保地埋线探测仪安排在平稳的地面上并插入电源 ,准确装置探测线圈并校正装备以确保探测准确性 。

  1. Prepare the equipment. Ensure that the buried wire detector is placed on a stable ground and plugged into the power supply, correctly install the detection coil, and calibrate the equipment to ensure detection accuracy.

  2.发射机设置 ?蟪ぐ吹缭醇 ,选择检测频率并确认 ,调理输出档位和输出功率 ,确保毗连稳固并接触优异 。

  2. transmitter settings. After turning on, press and hold the power button, select the detection frequency and confirm, adjust the output gear and output power to ensure a stable connection and good contact.

  3.吸收机设置 ?笱≡裼敕⑸浠嗤募觳馄德 ,选择检测模式(宽峰、峰值、峰值箭头、谷值) ,调理增益 ,使用测深按键举行测深 。

  3. Receiver settings. After turning on, select the same detection frequency as the transmitter, select the detection mode (wide peak, peak, peak arrow, valley), adjust the gain, and use the depth measurement button for depth measurement.

  4.直连法操作 。确保毗连稳固 ,将输出线红色鱼夹与测试桩测试线毗连 ,玄色鱼夹拉与管道走向笔直偏向 ,玄色接地线完全插入土壤中 ,选择湿润湿润的土壤 。


  4. Direct connection method operation. Ensure a stable connection, connect the red fish clip of the output line to the test line of the test pile, pull the black fish clip perpendicular to the direction of the pipeline, fully insert the black grounding wire into the soil, and choose a damp and moist soil.

  5.探测操作 。将探测线圈靠近地面并沿着要探测的区域逐步移动 ,当探测线圈上的指示灯亮起时 ,体现该位置探测到了地埋线 。

  5. Detection operation. Move the detection coil closer to the ground and slowly along the area to be detected. When the indicator light on the detection coil lights up, it indicates that the buried line has been detected at that location.

  6.数据处置惩罚 。使用自带的数据处置惩罚软件对数据举行处置惩罚和剖析 ,将装备毗连到电脑上 ,翻开数据处置惩罚软件 ,将探测仪中存储的数据导入到软件中举行处置惩罚 。

  6. Data processing. Use the built-in data processing software to process and analyze the data, connect the device to the computer, open the data processing software, and import the data stored in the detector into the software for processing.

  别的 ,在使用地埋线探测仪时 ,应注重 ,阻止在强磁场、电磁滋扰、电力交流强滋扰等情形下使用 ,确保探测数据的准确性和可靠性 。

  In addition, when using underground wire detectors, safety should be taken into consideration to avoid using them in environments with strong magnetic fields, electromagnetic interference, and strong electrical and AC interference, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of detection data.

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